[OTP] Neighbours Spoilers - 2013208
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Tennant Stuart
2013-01-04 18:00:00 UTC
Don't forget that "Neighbours" will return on Monday 14th January.

And a Happy New Year to everyone!

SPOILERS FOR NEIGHBOURS, 04-08 FEB'13 (6551-6555)

Lucas is hit by a wave of emotion as he meets his newborn son for the
first time - and then learns that Vanessa has accepted Rhys's proposal of
marriage. Though Sonya gives birth to their daughter Nell, Jarrod's world
is rocked when she suffers severe complications, then loses consciousness.
When Susan clocks the awkwardness between Karl & Carmel, her sister lies
that it was him who made a pass. A frantic Callum arrives at the hospital,
as his critically ill mum is being wheeled into the operating theatre.

As Sonya's life hangs in the balance, a distraught Jarrod struggles to
put on a brave face for Callum, as they take on the task of looking after
little Nell. Andrew & Kate realise that Paul actually held true feelings
for Priya. Susan is unsure who to believe when Karl says Carmel is lying,
then she struggles to unravel the truth. Sophie publicly humiliates Paul,
making it clear that she's lost all respect for him. Jarrod fears for the
worst when Sonya remains in surgery, since she may not pull through.

With Priya so isolated, Sophie warns Rani to be careful not to push her
mum away. Summer is busy packing for her departure to Paris, but Karl is
reluctant to let her go fearing she's totally unprepared. Rani lashes out
at her father, making him appreciate how hard the split has been for her.
Susan backs Carmel into a corner, until she confesses to her feelings for
Karl, having always envied her sister's marriage. A conflicted Ajay puts
Rani's interests ahead of his own, and allows Priya to come home.

Priya cannot relax with Rani so angry at her. Natasha feels guilty about
her secret fling with Andrew, seeing how much he means to Summer, who is
raising some much-needed cash by holding a garage sale. Ajay puts Priya in
the doghouse, by making it very clear that she's back for their daughter's
sake, not to reconcile. Kyle finally caves, upgrading Sheila from visitor
to resident at the share house with Chris & Rhys. Priya's return home has
got off to such a lousy start, that Paul offers her a room at Lassiter's
Hotel. Summer bids farewell to all her friends, and to Erinsborough.

Francesca is floored by her daughter's wedding plans to Rhys, so Vanessa
simply puts her newborn son first. Scotty finds himself more & more on the
outer, as girlfriend Georgia has to juggle her priorities. Vanessa & Lucas
cannot seem to settle on the perfect name for their child. Natasha is hit
by the green-eyed monster when Andrew begins interviewing young 'hotties'
for positions at Charlie's Bar. After a routine checkup at the hospital,
Georgia suspects that there is something wrong with Vanessa's baby.


These episodes will soon be the 2013 Season Return in Australia.

Tennant Stuart
____ ____ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____
(_ _)( ___)( \( )( \( ) /__\ ( \( )(_ _) Greetings to family
)( )__) ) ( ) ( /(__)\ ) ( )( friends & neighbours
(__) (____)(_)\_)(_)\_)(__)(__)(_)\_) (__) @orpheus.co.uk & MCR

For latest versions of my reviews, see http://towreviews.cjb.net
Paul Hyett
2013-01-05 07:35:46 UTC
Post by Tennant Stuart
Don't forget that "Neighbours" will return on Monday 14th January.
They take a longer Xmas break than the House Of Commons!
Paul 'Charts Fan' Hyett
Tennant Stuart
2013-01-06 00:22:26 UTC
Post by Paul Hyett
Post by Tennant Stuart
Don't forget that "Neighbours" will return on Monday 14th January.
They take a longer Xmas break than the House Of Commons!
It's because in the summer, Australians watch only cricket on TV. :)

____ ____ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____
(_ _)( ___)( \( )( \( ) /__\ ( \( )(_ _) Greetings to family
)( )__) ) ( ) ( /(__)\ ) ( )( friends & neighbours
(__) (____)(_)\_)(_)\_)(__)(__)(_)\_) (__) @orpheus.co.uk & MCR

For latest versions of my reviews, see http://towreviews.cjb.net